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Commercial Water

The World Bank estimates that 70 million Nigerians lack access to safe drinking water, and 114 million lack access to basic sanitation facilities. Liquid sources are often polluted with hazardous substances, posing health risks to those who consume or use the water. Most communities in Nigeria can be described as “badly watered, with their drinking water source being miles away from the town. The scarcity of water in Nigeria has passed into a local Yoruba proverb. “Omi d’oyin (“water is honey around here”). 





Nigeria’s population and topography, combined with poor urban planning, inadequate drainage systems, and land-use changes contribute to the frequency of drinking water shortages.  Nigeria has abundant water resources, but poor water management practices. Water scarcity is a significant challenge, with the average Nigerian consuming less than 2 liters of it per day, which is below the 2.5 liter per day recommended by the European Food Information Council. Entrepreneurs such as Abodunde Farms that are working with communities are essential in promoting a water-secure Nigeria.  Community-led initiatives such as water committees can improve access to safe water and sanitation. Due to industrialization and population growth, the demand for water has been increasing sharply, while the availability of desired quality and quantity of water for diverse industrial uses also remains crucial. 


Femi Abodunde, CEO



Abodunde Farms launched commercial water products in Summer 2021

Abodunde Farms
Water, Abodunde Farms

In Nigeria, as in many African nations,  groundwater is the major source of drinking water, yet, a lack of quantitative data has meant that prior to last decade, groundwater storage was consequently omitted from assessments of freshwater availability. Strategies for increasing supply of drinking water on the widespread drilling of high yielding boreholes are only likely to succeed where local scale mapping of available resources are available, and successful tests of the physiochemical and microbial parameters of water sources are completed. 


It is with this in mind that Abodunde Farms consulted with researchers at Obafemi Awolowo University, and the University of Benin, who had recently published 'Quality of some water source in the environs of Igarra, Akoko-Edo, Nigeria'. We followed this up by commissioning a hydro-geological survey for on-site water supply development, designed our system, and completed the construction of a water treatment and packaging facility. 

Current Highlights

300+ retail SME'served s across the LGA

1 Million + liters high quality water produced monthly

Tobi Water
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