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What is “Natural” Food?

Loose food labeling regulations around the world, means the use of the word “Natural” has become challenging to understand. "Natural", simply applies to any raw food sourced and processed without artificial additives.

Over 100 Years of  Documented  Indigenous Agricultural Knowledge

We Grow, Source, Process and Distribute Tropical Agriculture.


Red Palm Oil

Abodunde Farms Virgin Red Palm Oil


Palm oil accounts for 40% of global oils produced from oil crops. Nigeria is third-largest producer. Until 1934, Nigeria had been the world's largest producer. Unrefined palm oil has a rich, earthy, oily and slightly nutty taste. Archaeological evidence shows that palm fruits started forming an integral part of our West African diets 5,000 years ago.


Virgin red palm oil, sourced from the fruit of the oil palm tree, is a superfood that helps fight heart disease, bolster vision and prevent alzheimer's.


Abodunde Farms Cashew


Cashew was first brought to our region by the Portuguese during the 15th century.  

Although it is not a nut,  our culinary uses for cashew seed in snacking and cooking are similar to those for all tree seeds called nuts.


Cashews are low in sugar and rich in fiber, heart-healthy fats, and plant protein. They’re also a good source of copper, magnesium, and manganese nutrients important for energy production, brain health, immunity, and bone health.


Abodunde Farms Cassava


Cassava is a nutty-flavored, starchy root vegetable or tuber. Our region is the top cassava-producing area in the world. It’s one of the most drought-tolerant crops. Sweet cassava is more common in the USA, where it’s often referred to as yucca.


Due to high resistant starch content, it may aid weight loss, help improve gut health, and benefit metabolic markers, such as blood sugar and cholesterol levels. It can turn a wheat-flour-based recipe into gluten-free while being a Paleo-friendly and nut-free alternative.

       African Yam

Abodunde Farms Yam


Yams are a major staple in Africa where  

cultivation began 11,000 years ago. In West Africa we hold festivals to celebrate its harvest, and use them in fertility and marriage ceremonies. Most of the yams sold globally come from  our region, we are also known as the “yam belt” region of West Africa.


Yams contain a unique compound called diosgenin, which may enhance memory and brain function. They are nutrient-dense tuber vegetable that provide a great source of antioxidants. that reduce inflammation, and improve blood sugar control.


Abodunde Farms Plantain


The "cooking banana" is Asiatic in origin. Alexander the Great introduced it into Europe. It then found its way into Africa through trading by Asian merchants. It became a very important historical and economic factor in our  people's rapid expansion (Bantu speaking people's of West Africa), across central and southern Africa.


Plantains are the superfood of superfoods. Stacked with vitamin A which maintain muscle membrane and enhances skin quality. Plantains are carb,  fiber, vitamins, and  mineral rich. They also contain antioxidants that fight free radicals and support immune function, reduce cardiovascular risk and improve mood.

Kola Nut

Abodunde Farms Kola Nut


Kola nut is the fruit of the kola tree,  native to our tropical rainforests in West Africa. The caffeine-containing fruit of the tree is used as a flavoring ingredient in beverages, and is the origin of the term cola. In the late 1800s, an American doctor wrote about the therapeutic uses of fresh, undried kola nut (a ‘most valuable drug’).


Kola nut has been listed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as generally safe for human consumption as an inactive ingredient in certain pharmaceuticals.  Kola nut extract is also marketed as an herbal drug with warnings  about the high caffeine content.




70% of the total world cocoa production comes from 4 countries. Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana are the largest producers, followed by Nigeria and Cameroon. Credit for having first brought cacao from the New World to our tropical forests undoubtedly goes to the Portuguese.


Health benefits of cocoa include decreased inflammation, improved heart and brain health, blood sugar and weight control and healthy teeth and skin.


Abodunde Farms Okra


The exact origins of West African okra are unknown, but some of the original okra varieties were believed to be native to the region surrounding Ethiopia, Sudan, and Eritrea, and then spread across to us in West Africa around 2,000 BCE.


Okra is a nutritious food with many health benefits. It’s rich in magnesium, folate, fiber, antioxidants, and vitamin C, K1, and A. Okra may benefit pregnant women, heart health, and blood sugar control. It may even have anti-cancer properties.

Sesame Seed

Abodunde Farms Sesame Seeds


Sesame seed is one of the oldest oilseed crops known, domesticated well over 3000 years ago. Sesame is mostly wild and native to our region. Today,  countries like Tanzania, Myanmar, India, Sudan, China and Nigeria produce the highest quantities of sesame seeds in the world.


Sesame seeds are a good source of healthy fats, protein, B vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants

Regularly eating substantial portions of these seeds, may aid blood sugar control, combat arthritis pain, and lower cholesterol.


Abodunde Farms Papaya


‘Fruit of the Angels’. Also known as the pawpaw, the papaya is a small, fast-growing tropical tree. Originating in Central America, European

colonists introduced the plant to our region, and by the mid-17th century papaya was distributed across the tropics.


Papaya's powerful antioxidants may reduce risk of heart disease and cancer. It may defend against visible signs of aging. Pawpaw seeds are believed to have medicinal properties that combat bacterial infections. The leaf/bark sap secretes an enzyme known as papain known to treat skin infections such as ringworm.

Smoked Cat Fish

Abodunde Farms Catfish


Nigeria is the world's largest producer of catfish. It is the most commercially important freshwater fish species in our region. We have substantial trade networks, formal and informal, in smoked fish to neighboring countries and to the USA, Europe and the Middle East.


Catfish is no longer the “poor man's fish,” but a nutrient-dense superfood that can be cooked and eaten in a variety of ways. Catfish is low in calories and particularly rich in heart-healthy omega-3 fats and vitamin B12. 




Egusi-itoo or white seed melon plant is from the Cucurbitaceae family of plants known as gourds or cucurbits. It has a history in West Africa, dating back 4,000 years. Yet, despite the obvious super nutritional advantages, the seed, remains underutilized in nutritional intervention.


Oil makes up 44% of the seed, where 30% is protein rich in essential amino acids. The seed is an excellent vegetable protein, and is high in essential vitamins and minerals

Ogbono Seed



Irvingia gabonensis, sometimes known by the common names African mango, or bush mango bears edible mango-like fruits.  It has been a part of Igbo culture in Nigeria for centuries, as a way to stretch meagre resources during times of famine.  Today it is eaten across the diaspora.


Irvingia gabonensis is especially valued for the fat- and protein-rich seeds and is sometimes used for weight loss, high cholesterol, and diabetes, within traditional medicine. 

Food Prices Explained

The prices of agricultural futures depend on a number of external factors – and these prices ultimately impact what consumers pay for food.

Geopolitical Conflict

Political unrest can disrupt productivity, impacting supply and commodity pricing.

Global Supply

A decrease or increase in international production & harvests, drives global food prices.

International Trade Relationships

Government policies to support domestic production, can reduce international competition.


Diseases cause shortages in produce, & reduce food supply, resulting in lower demand.

Food Prices

Currency Fluctuations

Dollar strength relative to other currencies means producers often need to adjust prices based on production costs in local currency.


The costs of bringing food to market are passed along to consumer.  Transportation shortages can also raise prices.

Planted & Harvested Acreage

Farmland is being lost to farmer exploitation and other factors.. When farmers plant on limited acres, pricing is affected.


Extreme weather negatively impacts production and causes dramatic price increases in essential crops.


We believe that our primary responsibility is to grow, source and produce natural, hygienic, quality, and life enhancing food.



We are committed to supporting our local community through our business activity.


HQ: 1 Federal Road, Ibillo-Ekor, Edo State, Nigeria

Admin: 21 S. 11th Street, Philadelphia, PA, USA 19107




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Abodunde® Farms Limited. All Rights Reserved. 2025.

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